About Her Story

In order to celebrate Pride Month this year, Department of Lesbian Alliancein in Chinese Rainbow Network(CRN), the largest Chinese LGBTQ+ Non-Profit Organization (NPO) registered in North America, collabrates with Broad AR to bring you「Her Story」Virtual Art Exhibitionon on June 15th. We want you to be able to go through this exhibition online, and have a wonderful opportunity to get to know more Chinese LGBTQ+ female artists and their works better. By walking through this exhibition, you can find out the unique life stories behind these artists. We are here to celebrate who they are, and hopefully, you can also celebrate who you are with the journey 「Her Story」provides.

为了迎接骄傲月的到来,北美地区最大的华人LGBTQ+非营利组织Chines Rainbow Network (华人彩虹联盟)中的CRN拉拉活动策划小组联合VR开发团队BroadAR的主理人Kathy Wang and Chloe Li,在六月十五日重磅推出「Her Story」虚拟艺术展,以网上逛展的方式,给大家提供一个线上参展交流和了解LGBTQ+社群内更多的优秀华人女性艺术家/创作者作品的机会。在参展的同时,希望大家能透过不同的作品了解属于这些创作者背后独特的生命故事,提升华人LGBTQ女性创作者/艺术家及她们作品的可见度。也希望用3D艺术展厅展览的方式,为观展者提供一场独特又有趣的骄傲月活动体验。

We believe in the power of telling your stories. 「Her Story」Virtual Art Exhibition is a platform for Chinese LGBTQ+ female artists to tell their stories. No matter who you are, where you are from, and how you define yourself, we want you to celebrate YOU in this pride month, and get some insights from these artists’ stories.


展览日期 Exhibition Date

6/15/2020 - 7/15-2020

By entering this exhibition, you agreed all our terms.